Medical Matters・National PensionBack to Contents≫1. National Health Insurance Scheme2. Waseda University Student Health Promotion Mutual Aid Association All international students must register for the National Health Insurance or Kokumin Kenkou Hoken at the municipal office where they submit a “moving-in notification” (Tennnyū todoke). We recommend that your family members also register for the insurance if they intend to stay in Japan with you. If you are registered under this insurance, the insurance will cover 70% of your medical bills. However, please note that certain medical treatments are not covered (Example: medical checkups, cosmetic surgery, normal childbirth, and traffic accidents). If you intend to receive treatment from medical establishments that accept National Health Insurance, please be sure to take your National Health Insurance Card with you. The insurance will cover 70% of your medical bills. If you need further information or assistance, please contact the person in charge at the ward or city office of your residence. This association provides support to regular full-time undergraduate and graduate students, as well as graduate research students. Every 6 months, students are required to pay a membership fee of 1,500 yen. As a rule, medical expenses that are covered under the National Health Insurance can be subsidized under this system. The maximum annual amount that can be subsidized is 60,000 yen per fiscal year. (Note that there is a 1,000 yen fee per medical facility claim). When receiving treatment (medical/dentistry), please present your National Health Insurance card and student ID card (in cases of hospitals, dental clinics, and pharmacies under contract with Waseda) to the medical institution. In order to apply for a refund, you must submit the designated form with a copy of the receipt attached. Applications must be submitted students)⑵ Non-regular students (research students, exchange students, SP3 students of SILS, sponsored non-degree students, etc.)▍76Waseda University Student Health Promotion Mutual Aid Association¥2,000※There is a ¥1,000 fee per healthcare facility claim (¥60,000 maximum coverage per fiscal year)〈If ¥10,000 in medical expenses is incurred〉⑴ Regular students (including Double Degree and graduate school research National Health Insurance(70%)¥7,000National Health Insurance(70%)¥7,000Self-pay¥1,000Self-pay(30%)¥3,000
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